Poland - Exploring Auschwitz Concentration Camp - 2016

Summer 2016. After visiting Krakow, we took a train to Oświęcim to visit Auschwitz Concentration Camp. Here are some of the photos. Some of them are in black and white as we found out that was the color of the Holocaust. Everything was grey. 

Our contribution to #VoicesOfHope.  Field trip to Auschwitz Concentration Camp. Memories and lessons learned in Auschwitz do not have color. Everything here was grey. #auschwitz #globallearning2016  #neverforget #MessengersofPeace #OutdoorsClassroom
Nie wolno o nich zapomniec. We should never forget them. – Helena Kubica.
#auschwitz #auschwitzbirkenau#auschwitzstudygroup #auschwitzmemorial#exploringauschwitz #exploringauschwitz #globallearning2016 #exploringpoland #jewishroots#drjosecampus
Visit www.auschwitz.org
