Cathedral of of St. Michael and St. Gudula, Brussels, Belgium.

 A visit to Brussels, Belgium was made to attend BSA Transatlantic Council´s Scouters Annual Conference. This is one of the landmarks of this visit. 

#ChurcheWeKnow. The Cathedral of St. Michael and St. Gudula is a medieval Roman Catholic cathedral in central Brussels, Belgium. It is dedicated to Saint Michael and Saint Gudula, the patron saints of the City of Brussels, and is considered to be one of the finest examples of Brabantine Gothic architecture. Have a blessed Sunday.  #abuelosmochileros_brussels #abuelosmochileros_belgium #abuelosmochileros_churches.

Jews in Brussels. "Legend has it that in 1370, some Jews were accused of stealing hostsat the ancient Saint'Catherine chapel¨and desecrating the Blessed Sacrament by stabbing the hosts with their daggers. It was beleived that the holy hosts had actually bled - hence, the Jews were publicly burt at the stake. Historically, the story is nothing more than allegations."


